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I haven't updated for a year because I've been concentrating on a new eBook, now published and available from Amazon. It's called People in a Place Apart. The subject of Nature - both its care and destruction by people - is featured in some the chapters.
Even if you don't have a Kindle or Kindle apps device, you can take a free dekko at the beginning of the book from your computer by going to an Amazon website and typing People in a Place Apart in the search box. Click on to the front cover and then on to the invitation to 'Look Inside'.
I'll soon be publishing as an eBook the English edition of The Fatima Phenomenon - Divine Grace, Delusion or Pious Fraud? A Lisbon publishing company, Guerra e Paz, brought it out as a print book in Portuguese entitled O Fenómeno de Fátima - Graça Divina, Ilusão ou Fraude? just before the Pope's visit to the Fatima shrine in central Portugal in 2010.